• Creative Group NONI < Things That Remember >

    Genre : 
    Production : 
    Creative Group NONI
    Premiere : 
    Director : 
    Tour Size :
    NAME :
    KIM, Kyung-hee


Things that Remember


Memory of Space / Things that Remember

Each object cherishes condensed stories about the memory of space.
The audience will actively explore the space with the provided map to find the objects and hear or see the stories.
As the train blows the horn at certain times, as the clock moves, as the giant machines go round and round, all the objects
make their own sound or movement, bodies that appear when the objects make sound or movement draw the memory of the present time instead of the past by connecting and expanding the space of scattered dots.


Photos and video

Creator / artist

Creative Group NONI is a group of young artists from various artistic fields. Founded in 2006, today it runs seven co-created repertories to thrill audiences in a wide range of artistic activities. Within the group, independent units of music, Korean traditional performance and visual art work alone and together to promote its original style. In 2015, NONI has originally created pieces including 역:Station:驛, Things that Remember, Kinetic Theater, Gok.Do.Got, The TEMPest 2013 : Do. You Hear Me, Play of Tiger + Monkey, MonKey D'dance, Chaotic Twins, Playing Wind, and Ignis Fatus燐: Rin, Kkok-Du. Ever since their premieres, they have been constantly encouraging their audiences to grow and evolve.

Promotion Infomation

Performers : 10
Staff : 4

50 min. (No intermission)

Width : m, Depth : m, Height : m


KIM, Kyung-hee

Interview Link


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